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Tree Removal in Wellington – Cutting it Down and Taking it Out

One of our specialities at Wellington Tree Service is tree removal. We may remove any tree that can thrive in Wellington.
We have what it takes to get rid of nearly anything, from a pine tree to a palm tree. (And that includes any tree you may have hoped might survive here but perished during a severe winter or one of our scorching summers.)
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Why Remove a Tree?
There are a variety of reasons to remove a tree. The first is that the tree has died. This might be due to disease, old age, or winter weather that was too severe for your palm tree to withstand.
But, no matter what you do, no one wants a dead tree in their yard year after year, waiting for it to fall over (hopefully not on the home) and decay. I mean that’s fine up in the mountains but not in your garden.
Another reason we cut down trees is that they are dying and cannot be revived. It doesn’t matter if half of a tree is dead; it looks terrible anyhow, so it might as well be removed and replaced with another tree, shrub, lawn, or whatever you like.
The third reason for removal is that the tree is leaning severely and may fall. This appeals to insurance companies.
Another reason is that you’ve had a tree fall down. This is frequently why insurance companies demand the preceding one. Even an upright tree can occasionally be blown over in a strong storm, however.
The fifth reason we remove trees is that they are unneeded. Not all large, healthy trees are desired, to be honest.
We remove any tree, whether it is a large pine that drops so many needles your lawn can’t grow or a tree you just don’t want for reasons you’re unable to comprehend.

What Is the Procedure for Tree Removal?
When we plan to cut down a tree, we go through several procedures. We start by looking at the tree, its size, and whether it is leaning in any direction. We next figure out how many pieces of wood we’ll have to cut it into while removing it and which way it will fall. Finally, we select what equipment we’ll need
Most of the branches on most trees are cut away before the trunk is carved. Size is once again a consideration in this selection. If a tree has been removed, we can deal with the stump. Most people do not want a stump to trip over and have to mow around after it’s gone. As a result, we provide stump grinding services
Don’t Wait Another Day!
Whatever your reason may be for needing a tree gone, Wellington Tree Service is here for you.
Give us a call – 04 595 1490 and be sure to mention our website.
Or fill out our free estimate form today!

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04-488 7061
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